Sunday, August 26, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Hey little buddy!! You turn 3 this exciting!! We are going to celebrate tomorrow as if it were your birthday--but really it's Tuesday.  I am excited for you to have a birthday. You watched Katelyn have a birthday last month and really got it, so tomorrow should be really fun for you.
We went camping this weekend. I noticed how brave you are getting. You are also getting really good at playing with others.  Sometimes Auklin makes you sad, but you are even getting better about not whining. I really appreciate that--the whiny voice just about puts me over the edge! But you are getting so good at using a big voice. Yeah!
We also went to go visit an Indian and get Indian names.  You were named 'Little Bear.' I think this fits really well, although whenever I call you that you say, 'I'm not little!'  I'm so glad you are getting bigger and bigger each day!
I am so glad you came to our family three years ago. You were my biggest baby--thus far--and I felt every pound.  I really couldn't breath well there at the end, but once you came you made it all worth it.  Love you buddy!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

A little update

It's been a while since I've written on your page, Josh.  Sure do love you, Man!!  We are planning your 3rd birthday this week--you want a Lightening McQueen cake!  And you also want a live pet Eagle for your birthday...the cake I can do, but no such luck on the live pet Eagle. You're going to have to settle for something else instead! ;)  We found a Leapster Explorer for you for your birthday--your very own, and you are going to LOVE IT!! I am excited to give it to you.
Can't believe you are already 3--and at the same time, can't believe you are only 3. You are really tall for your age, and you talk well.  You play well with others and you have started to stop whining all the time (YEAH!).  All these things make you seem like you are older than 3.  You love nursery and you have started to play with your friends--you love Carson, our cousin, and have fun with Jessica down the street.

This past year you have learned a lot of things. You love balls and trains and cars, and I love how well you play with Katelyn.  You are a wuss, though, which isn't really I big deal I guess. It makes you a sweet, tender-hearted little man...although Luke beats up on you and it's pretty funny!! One day you are going to have to learn to fight back! :)  You have gotten more brave this year go down slides, you jump off tall things, you try things again even after you fail.  You are cautious and observant and have an attention to detail. Just this week at the fair you spent hours at the mechanics play booth building things and playing with robots. You are going to be the smart one of the family!

Sure love you, Joshy bear!! Happy birthday next week! I am glad you are a part of our family!

Love, Mom