Hey little buddy!! You turn 3 this week...so exciting!! We are going to celebrate tomorrow as if it were your birthday--but really it's Tuesday. I am excited for you to have a birthday. You watched Katelyn have a birthday last month and really got it, so tomorrow should be really fun for you.
We went camping this weekend. I noticed how brave you are getting. You are also getting really good at playing with others. Sometimes Auklin makes you sad, but you are even getting better about not whining. I really appreciate that--the whiny voice just about puts me over the edge! But you are getting so good at using a big voice. Yeah!
We also went to go visit an Indian and get Indian names. You were named 'Little Bear.' I think this fits really well, although whenever I call you that you say, 'I'm not little!' I'm so glad you are getting bigger and bigger each day!
I am so glad you came to our family three years ago. You were my biggest baby--thus far--and I felt every pound. I really couldn't breath well there at the end, but once you came you made it all worth it. Love you buddy!